How much is too much?… All about portion control

One of the hard things about making your own dog food is figuring out how much to give them. Whenever you bought commercial dog food all you had to do was look at the back and read the food chart without even thinking. But now that I have ditched the bag I have therefore ditched…

Ground Beef, Couscous, And Broccoli

This recipe was really easy and quick to make which is always a plus if you need to whip something up real quick and not spend your entire day slaving over the kitchen. I made enough of this recipe to last Milo 2 weeks and it still only took me about 45 minutes! Milo had…

Blueberry Dog Treats

I have been making these treats for awhile and milo loves them! They are a perfect tasty night time snack that he looks forward to every night! I love this recipe because not only is it really tasty but they are low calorie and healthy for your dog. Whoever heard of such a treat?! Here…

Bacon and Peanut Butter Dog Treats

I have been making these treats for milo for a long time. They are super easy to make and last a long time which is great! I have dog bone shaped cookie cutters that I found on Etsy for $5.00 that work great but you can always use a knife or any other cookie cutters…

Spaghetti Bolognese

This was my first meal I made where I substituted some things and changed it up a bit. I am learning that the fun part of making this food is making it your own and tailoring it to what your dog likes and needs in their diet. Here is what you’ll need: (This makes 4…

Turkey, Eggs, and Yogurt

This recipe was really fun and super easy with very little clean up which is always a plus. I had never given Milo turkey before. The only meat he has ever had was chicken and beef so I was curious as to whether or not he was going to like it. He has also never…

Salmon Bake

This recipe I was really excited but also nervous about because milo had never had salmon or tuna before and I didn’t know what the heck wheat germ was that the recipe called for. So I thought this might be interesting… but hopefully interesting in a good way! Here is what you’ll need: (this makes…

Ground Turkey, Quinoa, and Carrots

This was my first ever recipe I made for milo. I decided to start simple with things I knew he had tried before and liked. It’s important when you are first switching to homemade meals that you start really simple with few ingredients so you do not shock your dogs system. Here is what you…