Chicken Mac ‘n’ Cheese

I was excited to make this recipe for milo but a little wary because I didn’t know how his stomach was going to handle the cheese, but I thought I would give it a try and see what happened and my results were fantastic! This recipe was really easy to make and milo absolutely loved…

All About Supplements…

Because you are making your own dog food, you are now going without the necessary added vitamins and minerals in your dogs food that commercial pet food companies are able to add to their food. Because of this, we are left with the daunting task of providing these essential things ourselves. But the question is,…

Easy as Potpie

I was really excited to make this recipe! I love to bake so I thought baking a pie would be really fun and I was curious to see how milo would react to it. My results were fantastic! Milo gobbled it right up of course. The pie smelled so good I wanted to eat it…